Tags: meta

The future of this site


I don't feel like I'm getting everything I could be getting out of this site. I think it's been a success and I've learned some neat stuff from building it, but it's not what I want it to be, not quite. I'll need to take more time to figure out what I want it to be, so I'm not making any changes quite yet. I'll document my thoughts here.


This should be the least important aspect, but it generates the most friction, demanding attention.

Currently, source files are edited locally, checked into git, then compiled. Compiled HTML is pushed to site via FTP. I like this system: it's simple, I built it myself, and it's been reliable.

Some things I'd like to be able to do:

Been considering having the source files live on the server itself, with editing done via SSH and/or a locked-down web interface. Would still use git for source control. The server would compile the source files itself and serve them up. Most of this would be bespoke/custom, as I'd want to keep it as simple as possible for what I need, then build on top of it as I go.

Also would be interested in using Gemtext as a source format. Would be easier to write my own parser for it (since it's largely line-based), and I like some of its limitations. Would not be vanilla Gemtext (especially since I have no intent of serving content on Gemini): I'd want to add some "extensions" to it. But Gemtext seems like a good place to at least start.


Currently use [[foam]] within VSCode to "manage" notes. It's a fine tool, but I haven't found a "killer feature" that's proven its value. Mostly I just use VSCode as a text editor and don't touch any Foam features. Lots of people seem to like the Foam/Obsidian style of notetaking tools, but it seems very fussy, lots of things to tweak and try. Too much for me to deal with, and I don't see the appeal, personally (unless you just like endlessly fiddling with plugins? idk).


Would like to have a site that feels more personal, more "fun" I suppose. This one is pretty austere. I like some of the design choices I made, but a refresh with more liveliness and character would be welcome.